Older Victim Service

The agency works in partnership with the Winnipeg Police Service to help individuals 60+ who are victims of crime. Program staff provides emotional support and counselling. They also provide information about the investigation, court procedures and assistance with the Victim Impact Statement and Compensation for Victims of Crime Programs.

How can Older Victim Services help?

Older Victim Services can help you by providing:

  • Emotional support - an opportunity to talk about the experience
  • Information on the progress of the police investigation
  • Assistance navigating the Criminal Justice System
  • Information about the recovery and return of stolen property
  • Assistance in applying for compensation for injuries
  • Practical tips for personal and home safety
  • Referrals to other community resources, including A & O’s Programs and Services

What does Older Victim Services offer?

Victims of crime are referred directly to us by the Winnipeg Police Service. Staff and volunteers contact each person individually to provide emotional support and information. In addition, Registered Social Workers are available to provide counselling and assistance.

Crime Prevention Activities

Staff are available to provide presentations to the community on our Older Victims Services program.

Assistance is provided to older adults, age 60 and older, who have been victims of property crime, such as a break-in to their residence, and personal crimes, such as assault or robbery.


We work with community organizations that serve older adults and cultural groups and educate them about issues related to Safety & Security, Social Engagement and Counselling.