Elder Abuse Prevention Services


June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day!

The " Who should I tell?" video has been created by our research team to help create more awareness of the abuse of older adults. The abuse of older adults is a serious issue in Canada affecting up to 8.2% of older Canadians (55+) living in the community.

This video has also been translated in the following languages

The agency provides direct Elder Abuse prevention services and receives referrals for consulting around elder abuse issues, one-on-one support and counselling, Safe Suite Program referrals, communication support group for older parents / grandparent, assistance with Protection Orders and more.

What is elder abuse?

Elder abuse is any action or inaction by a person in a relationship of trust which jeopardizes the health or well-being of an older person.

Forms of elder abuse:

  • Physical Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse  
  • Emotional/Psychological Abuse
  • Financial Abuse
  • Spiritual Abuse
  • Neglect

Elder abuse in Manitoba

7,500  - 19, 000 Older Manitobans experience one or more forms of abuse or neglect at some point in later years.

Risk factors:

  • As with other forms of abuse; no one predictor can determine
  • Anyone the older adult trusts can act abusively towards them
  • Research has shown abuse towards older adults is most often done by family members

What types of services are available?

  • Counselling regarding the abuse and options available
  • Referral to appropriate community resources
  • Consultation and referral for family members
  • Safety planning
  • Assistance accessing crisis accommodations and legal services, including protection orders
  • Information and Education

Who is eligible for service?

Older Manitobans 55 years and older experiencing physical, sexual, financial, emotional / psychological and neglect by family members, friends or others in a position of trust. Concerned family and friends are also encouraged to call the agency for information and assistance.

If you are concerned that an older adult may be experiencing abuse or neglect and have questions, please call:

A & O: Support Services for Older Adults Intake Line
In Winnipeg: 204-956-6440
Toll-free: 1-888-333-3121
Fax: 204-946-5667
E-mail: [email protected]


We work with community organizations that serve older adults and cultural groups and educate them about issues related to Safety & Security, Social Engagement and Counselling.